“The Last Dance” is a 10 Part Documentary Series by ESPN that debuted June 2020, covering Michael Jordan’s extraordinary basketball career with the Chicago Bulls dynasty. Leaving no stone uncovered, Jordan’s interviews along with the interviews of the Bulls players, and others such as Scottie Pippin, Steve Kerr Dennis Rodman, Pat Riley, Charles Barkley, Dikembe Mutombo, Patrick Ewing, Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas, Kobe Bryant, Gary Payton, Adam Silver, Bob Costas, Barack Obama, Justin Timberlake, and more are enlightening.
Coach Phil Jackson is also front and center. The series attempts to cover all aspects of Jordan’s career, even his father’s death and his year and a half stint playing baseball for the Chicago White Sox. The director is Jason Hehir.
The Bottomline: I’m Way in 3½ stars out of ★★★★ I suggest binge-watching the first episodes as the series is best for episode 6-10. We live outside of Chicago, and my daughter was a Jr. Luvabull, she danced during several half-times; therefore, we attended many games.
As a Bull’s fan, I enjoyed the director’s technique of interviewing a person and then panning back to Michael Jordan to watch his expression on his face while he’s watching on an iPad. Those expressions are priceless. I also appreciated so many of the players’ insights.
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Sarah Knight Adamson© Jume 14, 2020