Hello Carl, here’s an old fashioned and charming film with an English coastal countryside setting in 1939. “The Dig (2021)” is a film by Australian director Simon Stone. It has been playing in theaters and is now on Netflix; it’s based on the 2007 book of the same name by John Preston.
Here we see real-life archeologist Basil Brown played by Ralph Fiennes, as he uncovers a 6th-century Anglo-Saxon burial ground at Sutton Hoo in Suffolk, England.
Carey Mulligan stars as the real-life widowed Mrs. Edith Pretty, the wealthy owner of the estate and land. Lily James also stars alongside Johnny Flynn.
The Bottom-line, I’m way in 3 ½ Stars out of 4. This is an exhilarating reenactment of the historical dig with heartfelt performances by all.
If you’re interested in seeing the artifacts, they are in the British Museum in London.
Thanks so much for listening in tonight. This is Sarah Knight Adamson. I’m in my 14th year as a film critic and enjoy bringing you the best in TV and Film. Please check out my website on Sarah’s Backstage Pass.com. See you next week!
Sarah Knight Adamson© Jan. 31, 2021
Check out the Hollywood 360 Radio Podcast: https://www.hollywood360radio.com/the-dig-pg/