Next up: “The Long History of the Short Road” is the story of a teenage girl played by Sabrina Carpenter and her dad played by Steven Ogg. They live a rambling existence traveling in a vintage RV through Southwest America, when he suddenly dies, she’s left to fend for herself.
You may know of Sabrina Carpenter as she’s a Disney Channel star and pop singer, here she gives a contemplative and soulful performance. Similar in tone yet not as harsh as “Leave No Trace,” ‘Long Road’s’ Father-Daughter relationship based on backroads survival is a sweet story.
There are offers no judgments passed or easy ways out. This is a story of using your prior life experiences to get from point A to point B.
The Bottom-Line: I’m in 3 ½ stars out of 4. The film starts as a gentle father-daughter story and shifts gears towards a painful coming-of-age tale. Sabrina Carpenter carries the film superbly as she navigates her new life without her parents.
Check out the Radio Podcast on Hollywood 360 Radio Network:★★★%C2%BD-and-the-short-history-of-the-long-road-★★★/
Sarah Knight Adamson© Jume 28, 2020